Guramneet Singh Mangat, another farmer leader, said that while farmers from Punjab march towards Delhi, farmer bodies in Kerala, Uttarakhand, and Tamil Nadu would also be organizing marches towards their respective state assemblies, amplifying the demand for a legal guarantee on MSP. This march ...
Mercantile Agent:Is one who, in the ordinary course of business, has the authority to sell or buy goods, or to consign goods for the purpose of sale, or to raise money on the security of goods. Alcohol It is a liquid formed by the fermentation of sugar solutions; used as a stimulant...
Import of goods or services would be performed as inter-state stocks and would be subjected to IGST in addition to the relevant customs duties. CGST, SGST & IGST would be levied at times to be generally recognized upon by the city and the States. The rates would be notified of the direct...
This ranged from constitutional amendments defining the roles and responsibilities of urban planning bodies at national level [59] to state level acts defining the roles and responsibilities of the state level planning authority and its relationship to local planning bodies [60,61]. This was ...