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Indian dependence on external source for Petroleum products is about 75 per cent and likely to shoot up to 90 per cent in the future. The gross oil import bill is about Rupees 131,000 crores. This may double due to the steep increase in demand and the hike in international prices for pe...
Minister of Tourism and Culture, Uttar Pradesh said, 'Uttar Pradesh is the fourth largest state in terms of area. It is the largest state with a population of 25 crores and is equal to the fifth country in the world in terms of population. Fortunately, ...
UTTAR PRADESH Politics of Flood Relief vs Flood Control K R Krishna Gandhi THIS year, again, Uttar Pradesh has been ravaged by floods. Eastern Uttar Pradesh is the Worst affected region which had to face at least three major waves of floods this season. Currently the army is handling the re...
Subhash Mishra