此乃悉尼科技大学理学院( Faculty of Science)和卫生研究生院(Graduate School of Health)的新项目,目的嘛,当然不是为了吓你玩,而是为了让未来的调查专家和法医们真实地感受犯罪现场,提早适应未来的工作环境。这效果,肯定比真人CS强多啦,直接让你感受如CSI般的震撼感,想必也是极好的~ 在TVB剧中,我们常看到第一...
本科课程学费:35160澳元/年 - Faculty of Science 自然科学学院 本科课程学费:33900澳元/年 - Graduate School of Health 公共卫生学院 本科课程学费:27220澳元/年 @石上流 UTS——一个想方设法让你过,让你毕业的学校。面对留学生的奖学金不要太多哦,...
College of the Arts 悉尼大学 Education Building 澳大利亚圣保罗国际学院 摩亚神学院 School of Public Health School of Chemistry School of Life and Environmental Sciences School of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Science School of Architecture, Design and Planning ...
本科课程学费:26840澳元/年 硕士课程学费:26840澳元/年 (6)Faculty of Law法学院 本科课程学费:35160澳元/年 硕士课程学费:35880澳元/年 (7)Faculty of Science自然科学学院 本科课程学费:33900澳元/年 硕士课程学费:33900澳元/年 (8)Graduate School of Health公共卫生学院 本科课程学费:27220澳元/年 硕士课程学费...
遍地的尸体,触目惊心的鲜血,你以为这是鬼屋?No!这是悉尼科技大学(University of Technology, Sydney,简称UTS)的新教室,来来来,都认真点~ 昏暗的灯光下,躺着一具尸体,床头满是鲜血……哭瞎了好嘛?这是闹哪样啊!此乃悉尼科技大学理学院( Faculty of Science)和卫生研究生院(Graduate School of Health)的新项目...
Keio University Graduate School of Health Management U.S.A. 9.MBA Media, Entertainment & Sports Management University of Virginia - Darden Graduate School of Business Ireland 10.MSc Sports Management University College Dublin - UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and...
“As industries such as banking and finance, health and retail evolve to require new knowledge and skills, this Graduate Certificate will equip workers with the ability to make a real impact.” Applications for the first cohort of the Graduate Certificate in Business Cons...
Graduate School of Health 澳大利亚托伦斯大学Ultimo校区 澳大利亚圣母大学Sydney校区 School of Dentistry 时代英语学院 南十字星大学Sydney校区 Faculty of Engineering School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic En 纳维英语学院悉尼海德公园校区 拉筹伯大学悉尼校区 Kaplan商学院悉尼校区 College of Management(SCCM) ...
Graduate School of Health UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT 悉尼科技大学 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building TD School 悉尼英语学院 UTS Business School Faculty of Engineering School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic En ...
TD School Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT Faculty of Health Graduate School of Health 时代英语学院 澳大利亚托伦斯大学Ultimo校区 澳大利亚圣母大学Sydney校区 纳维英语学院悉尼海德公园校区 拉筹伯大学悉尼校区 Kaplan商学院悉尼校区 ...