以下,让我们来认识几位在国际舞台上发光发热的UTS杰出校友,感受这所年轻大学的教育魅力。 著名演员休·杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)于1991年毕业于UTS传播学系(Bachelor of Arts in Communications)。在校期间,他对表演产生浓厚兴趣,后续在影视界取得巨大成功。 Maile Carnegie,澳新...
Students who originally enrolled in the Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (C10206), Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (C10350) or Master of Teaching in Secondary Education (C04255) have the opportunity of changing to this three-year degree (subject to the...
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)补习:Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies公共传播)国际研究文学士C10367辅导补习及选课指导 我们能辅导海外各大院校的各种热门冷门专业,点击下方链接咨询(备注:知乎享平台专属试听课,及套餐优惠) 考而思教育 - 客服咨询www6c1.53kf....
Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation 创意只能与创新 Bachelor of Arts in International Studies 国际研究文学学士 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) 园林设计学士学位(荣誉) 硕士 Master of Design设计硕士 UTS的设计硕士课程侧重于设计时实践新兴知识,学生将获得有关用户体验设计,交互设计,服务设...
Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies / Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of International Studies Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws ...
David Murray AO,Former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Bachelor of Business (1977), HonDBusiness (UTS) (2008) Hugh Jackman,Actor and Producer - Bachelor of Arts (Communications) (1991) Timothy Palmer,Gold Walkley Award winning journalist,Winner, United Nations Media Peace Prize - ...
Bachelor of Arts文学学士(三年) 入学要求: 1.雅思要求:6.5(单项不低于6.0) 2.提供国内高考成绩,提供作品集(可以展现创作才能的艺术,设计或媒体作品),至少12幅;若达不到要求,可读预科或DIPLOMA。 二、悉尼科技大学uts 悉尼科技大学是澳洲唯一一所提供“纯”动漫硕士课程的大学,该课程由建筑设计系、人文社会科学系...
David Murray AO,Former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Bachelor of Business (1977), HonDBusiness (UTS) (2008) Hugh Jackman,Actor and Producer - Bachelor of Arts (Communications) (1991) Timothy Palmer,Gold Walkley Award winning journalist,Winner, United Nations Media Peace Prize - ...
David Murray AO,Former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Bachelor of Business (1977), HonDBusiness (UTS) (2008) Hugh Jackman,Actor and Producer - Bachelor of Arts (Communications) (1991) Timothy Palmer,Gold Walkley Award winning journalist,Winner, United Nations Media Peace Prize - ...
24cps of RPL will be automatically granted for electives only and the duration of the UTS Bachelor degree will be reduced by 0.5 year. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has offered 24 credit points of automatic Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for elective subjects only and the course wi...