Utopia vs. Dystopia. Utopia Definition: A perfect society An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects Opposite of. Definition dys-/dus- (Latin/Greek roots: 'bad' or 'abnormal') + - topos (Greek root: 'place') = 'bad place' eu- (Greek root: 'good...
UTOPIA AND DYSTOPIA. UTOPIA Two Greek words: “oi” (not) and “topos” (place) = “nowhere” The word was created by Thomas More in 1516 when he wrote a book. Utopia and Dystopia *. Utopia and Dystopia. Utopia Two Greek words: “oi” (not) and “topos” (place) = “nowhere” ...
1.Definition2.More’sbook---Utopia3.Dystopia(反乌托邦)4.UtopiaVSDystopia Definition Etymology(语源):ThewordutopiawascoinedinGreekbySirThomasMoreforhis1516bookUtopia,describingafictionalislandsocietyintheAtlanticOcean.ThewordcomesfromtheGreek:οὐ("not")andτόπος("place")and...
Utopia and Dystopia(乌托邦和反乌托邦)Utopia and Dystopia Theutopiaand its offshoot, thedystopia, aregenres of literaturethat explore social and political structures.Utopian fictionis the creation of an ideal world, orutopia, as the setting for a novel.Dystopian fictionis the opposite: creation of ...
dystopia is still very popular, and indeed there are more examples of dystopia being written now than ever before, the popularity of utopias has diminished noticeably. The most famous examples of utopian fiction come to us from the 16th-19th centuries, and there have been no recent utopia ...
dystopia an imaginary place where the conditions and quality of life are unpleasant. The opposite of Utopia. Icarianism the precepts and opinions of Etienne Cabet and his followers, who settled communistic utopias in the U.S. during the 19th cent., as Nauvoo, Illinois (1849). —Icarian,n...
Definition of utopia Get Custom Synonyms Enter your own sentence containing utopia , and get words to replace it.as in paradisean often imaginary place or state of utter perfection and happiness dreamed of one day retiring to a tropical utopia ...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words with Fascinating Histories ...
Utopia and Dystopia mix in Kelly’s vision. No sub-global mind will be able to understand the superior design of the global mind, because its complexity is unattainable for the individual brain: instead, Kelly speaks of hive mind. 在凯利的构想中,乌托邦与反乌托邦并存。亚-全球(sub-global)心智...
dystopia More examples Nosocietycanprofessitself to be a utopia. The Cadburyfamilymovedtheirfledglingchocolatefirmout of Birmingham'sslumsto the utopia of Bournville in the 19thcentury. Their utopia isslowlyturningintoourdystopia. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases ...