The new qualification process consists of two parts that a runner must complete in order to be able to enter the lottery for the UTMB, CCC, or OCC races. Runners must complete a UTMB index race, similar to a qualifying race, and must gather running stones. What Are The UTMB Qualifying ...
1.去UTMB官网查看哪些比赛是有认证积分的即qualifying races,不同距离分数不一样。2.参加比赛,获得积分...
and registrations sold out in only two weeks, and in 2007 the decision was taken that entrants needed to run qualifying races beforehand, thereby gaining a certain number of 'points' required to take part. That year the 5,000 runners limit was reached...
创建完成赛事之后,在My Space页面选择Personal information,之后Race evaluation页面申请服务,需要支付100欧...
具体场次,可以前往UTMB官网查询: 出发前的每一刻 Photo via Running Heroes 这一场年度越野跑届的盛会,在2003年只有67个选手参加比赛。2017年这一数字上升到来自92个国家和地区8000位参赛者。其中85%是男性,15%为女性,平均年龄43岁。最年轻选手20岁将...
(*) 2014 finishers of the UTMB® races may equally use these races as qualifying races. 注:2014年UTMB组别比赛也可作为认证赛事报名2017年的各组别比赛。 具体和实例如下表所示: 查询报名2017年UTMB的认证赛事: 浏览器打开下面UTMB官网链接:
具体场次,可以前往UTMB官网查询: 出发前的每一刻 Photo via Running Heroes 这一场年度越野跑届的盛会,在2003年只有67个选手参加比赛。2017年这一数字上升到来自92个国家和地区8000位参赛者。其中85%是男性,15%为女性,平均年龄43岁。最年轻选手20岁将...
The HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc is the most incredible trail running event! Each year, the best athletes meet in Chamonix and more than 10'000 runners participate in one of the event's 8 races, including the UTMB World Series Finals.The origin of the UTMB World Series Since its start in ...
(*) 2014 finishers of the UTMB® races may equally use these races as qualifying races. 注:2014年UTMB组别比赛也可作为认证赛事报名2017年的各组别比赛。 具体和实例如下表所示: ▼2、填写资料,缴纳对应参赛项目报名费,等待抽签结果。报名抽签结果将于2016年1月中旬公布。
进入UTMB积分合格清单 Qualifying List 通过i-TRA认证的赛事将得到一个ITRA no,ITRA系列号,向UTMB提交这个系列号可以申请将赛事加入到UTMB合格清单。 参与并完赛合格清单中的赛事 参与并按要求完赛的参赛者就可以获得对应UTMB认可的积分。 原文地址:知乎