Example map in EPSG:32651 – WGS 84 / UTM zone 51N +– The box shows the covered area of the coordinate reference system according to the EPSG database EPSG:32650 – WGS 84 / UTM zone 50N Other projections EPSG:32652 – WGS 84 / UTM zone 52N We...
33、g 1980 GridUTM Zone 49NUTM Zone 50NWGS72UTM Zone 21NUTM Zone 23NUTM Zone 43NUTM Zone 44NUTM Zone 45NUTM Zone 46NUTM Zone 47NUTM Zone 48NUTM Zone 49NUTM Zone 50NUTM Zone 51NUTM Zone 52NUTM Zone 53NWGS84UTM Zone 21NUTM Zone 23NUTM Zone 43NUTM Zone 44NUTM Zone 45NUTM...
The EPSG:102453, 102454, 102455, 102456,102457 and 102458 does not fall on the correct position and the values of X and Y coordinates are not equal to the coordinates calculated by other GIS software or geographic calculators. Please see attached file of the custom projections for the above p...
Zone: R:(E) H:(N) NAC(Natural Area Coding, WGS84) HT0000 RH0000 X:(E) Y:(N) W3W(What 3 Words) /// de, Deutschen, Englishno, Norskfi, Suomiru, Ruskipt, Portuguesfr, Francaisid, Bahasa Indonesiasv, Svenskasw, Kiswahiliaf, Afrikaansit, Italianoes, Espanolcs, Cestinaxh, isiXhos...
计算UTM投影带很简单,计算公式如下:北半球地区,选择最后字母为“N”的带,南半球“S”带号=(经度整数位 6)的整数部分+31例如汶川县东经102°51′~103°44′103 6≈17+31=48即:WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_48N遥感卫
遥感卫星影像UTM投影计算公式 计算UTM投影带很简单,计算公式如下: 北半球地区,选择最后字母为“N”的带,南半球“S” 带号=(经度整数位/6)的整数部分+31 例如汶川县东经102°51′~103°44′ 103/6≈17+31=48 即:WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_48N
2.“WGS1984”坐标系的墨卡托投影分度带(UTMZONE)选择方法: (1)北半球地区,选择最后字母为“N”的带; (2)可根据公式计算,带数=(经度整数位/6)的整数部分+31如: 贵州省的中心坐标大约是:106.709177096,26.6299067414,而经度是:106.709177096 那么所在的带数。 带数=106.709177096/6+31=48即:贵州省的带数是:...
Zone Map332–333332333 Device Manager console323–324323324 “Add Device” wizard328–330328329330 Adding Multiple Devices330–331330331 Device Groups331–332331332 “Policy & Objects” tab334 Global Policy & Objects339–340339340 policy and device configuration installation337–339337338339 policy package manag...
DecimalN/S-E/WDDMMSS Latitude-77.85S0 Longitude166.66667E Latitude-77.85-775060.000 Longitude166.666670166400.012 User-DefinedCentralMeridian(-180to+180) Easting539154.241939Zone58CFalseEasting Northing1357813.64028ZoneCM165E500000 MilitaryGridReference58CEU3915457813 ...
UTM坐标系与经纬度之间转换精确度1mm DeltaLong(Rad)LongZoneCM LongDD.ddd LatDD.dddd HowtoUseThisSpreadsheetDatumWGS84DatumConstantsequatorialradiuspolarradiusflatteninginverseflatteningMeanradiusscalefactoreccentricitySymbolabf1/frmk0ee'2nValue637813763567520.003353298.257263674360.99960.08181900.001679 84513724-21-...