创建Windows 11 安装媒体 如果你想在新的或二手的 PC 上执行 Windows 11 的重新安装或全新安装,请使用此选项下载媒体创建工具以制作可启动的 USB 或 DVD。 注意:Windows 11 媒体创建工具不能用于为基于 Arm 的 PC 创建安装媒体;只能为 x64 处理器创建媒体。
Download Windows 11: Windows is now better than ever 4.1 Free VLC for Windows 10 Free music and video player for Windows 10 3.6 Trial version Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 10: A robust operating system 3.7 Paid Windows 7 Download Windows 7: A foundation of modern computing ...
UTM 是个针对 iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS 的开源虚拟机软件,当然因为苹果的限制,UTM 实际上只在 macOS 上有比较好的体验,而 iOS 和 iPadOS 版可能需要越狱后才能更好的使用。 该虚拟机长期致力于为让苹果生态用户也能在虚拟机里运行诸如 Windows 和 Linux 等虚拟机,在 macOS 版的 UTM 上体验还是不错的,推荐 macO...
通常UTM虚拟机会将系统要求配置列出来,像是Windows XP内存就只需要512MB、硬盘空间需20GB就能跑,算是比较不会消耗太多硬件资源的版本,点选「Download」将UTM配置虚拟系统配置文件下载到设备内。 如果是直接选Windows 11,系统内存需求就要8GB,目前只有iPhone 15 Pro系列勉强能支持,但别忘了8GB还会被iOS系统给分掉,用...
SPICE Guest Tools and QEMU Drivers (Windows) Download SPICE Guest Tools (Ubuntu) Run from a terminal: sudo aptinstallspice-vdagent spice-webdavd UTM v4.0.8 and newRelease (版本不定期更新中) 下载地址:https://sysin.org/blog/utm-4/
(macOS) Fixed boot issues with Windows 11 24H2 (x86_64) (#6772) (macOS) Support > 32GiB RAM configurations in QEMU (#5537) Changes (v4.6.1) Updated SPICE GTK to v0.42, libsoup to v3.6.0, and phodav to 3.0 Fixed an issue where an empty and broken .utm package is created when...
SPICE Guest Tools and QEMU Drivers (Windows) Download SPICE Guest Tools (Ubuntu) Run from a terminal: sudoaptinstallspice-vdagent spice-webdavd 1. UTM v4.0.8 and newRelease (版本不定期更新中) 下载地址:https://sysin.org/blog/utm-4/ ...
SPICE Guest Tools and QEMU Drivers (Windows) Download SPICE Guest Tools (Ubuntu) Run from a terminal: sudo apt install spice-vdagent spice-webdavd UTM v4.0.8 and new Release (版本不定期更新中) 下载地址:https://sysin.org/blog/utm-4/ File info: FileDescriptionInstallationJITHypervisorUSB UTM...
https://www.spice-space.org/download/windows/spice-webdavd/ 图片.png 重新启动操作系统后问题解决 UTM中window虚拟机复制共享文件出现错误“文件大小超出允许的限制”的解决办法 打开注册表编辑器,在运行窗口输入regedit 回车 搜索FileSizeLimitInBytes,双击打开 ...
I'm stuck with this error when installing Windows 11 on my MacBook Pro 16 "M1 Pro". " Let's connect you to a network You'll need an internet connection to continue setting up your device. Once connected, you'll get the latest features and security updates. Having trouble getting connec...