关键词 :UTM;大地坐标;坐标系转换 ;精密算法;GoogleEarth;VC++ 中图分类号:P226 .3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007—9394(2012)03—0010—04 Realization ofAccurateConversionAlgorithm betweenGoogle EarthUTM CoordinatesandGeodeticCoordinates GUO Yu.zhen ,CHEN Hui,ZHANG Xiang—wei (1.YellowRiverConservancy...
摘要: 通过UTM坐标与大地坐标互转的相关公式,利用VC++6.0编程实现了GoogleEarth中两个坐标系间的精密转换功能,并通过实际数值验证了其转换精度,为基于Goosle Earth的二次开发提供了可靠的数据来源.关键词: UTM;大地坐标;坐标系转换;精密算...
m(Click here to calculate the height using the coordinates) Address -Click to display the address to the coordinates Interessantes: Altimeter: How High Am I? Compass online Google Maps & Google Earth: UTM Coordinates on Google Maps coordinates-converter.com: ...
Google EarthVC++通过UTM坐标与大地坐标互转的相关公式,利用VC++6.0编程实现了GoogleEarth中两个坐标系间的精密转换功能,并通过实际数值验证了其转换精度,为基于Goosle Earth的二次开发提供了可靠的数据来源.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-9394.2012.03.004郭玉珍黄河水利职业技术学院陈慧黄河水利职业技术学院张向伟中国石油集团...
・10 ・地矿测绘20 12, 28 ( 3): 10 ~13S u r v e y in ga n dM a p p in g 《G e o lo g y 粕dM in e r a l R e so u r c e sC N53—112 4 /T DIS S N10 D 7 —9 39 4G o o g le E a r th 中U T M 坐标与大地坐标精密互转算法的实现+郭玉珍1, 陈慧...
average over the GPS measurements defines the residual. The link above lists (center of the earth?) shifts of almost 1 m from original WGS84 to its 2013 realization. Similarly, NAD83 coordinates have moved w.r.t. the original NAD83 coordinates, presumably using a North American based ...
...Point pointFs2000 = new Point(lon, lat, fs2000sp); // 把FS2000点数据转化为WGS84点数据...@return */ public static CoordinatesDTO fs2000ToBD09(Double lat, Double lon) { // 先转wgs84...CoordinatesDTO wgs84 = fs2000ToWgs84(lat, lon); // 把wgs84点坐标转化为bdo9点坐标 // ...
such as Google Earth,MapGIS and Coord MG are used to make the universal trans-verse Mercator projection (UTM projection)transformation for the corner coordinates in the survey area,and the transformation from the longitude and latitude of WGS84 to projection plane rectangular coordi-nate is ...
Downloads: 300 Keywords: Coordinates, Longitude, UTM, geographic coordinates conversion, Windows 10 compatible software, Latitude, Ewert Technologies, Map, user-friendly interface, UTM Coordinate Converter, accurate mapping tool Author URL: https://www.ewert-technologies.ca/homeUser...
Free online UTM to Latitude and Longitude coordinates converter. Convert from UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator - coordinates to latitude and longitude coordinates. UTM Easting *) UTM Northing *) Zone Latitude : deg, or deg min sec Longitude: deg, or deg min sec *) Based on the WGS84 ...