m(Click here to calculate the height using the coordinates) Address -Click to display the address to the coordinates Interessantes: Altimeter: How High Am I? Compass online Google Maps & Google Earth: UTM Coordinates on Google Maps coordinates-converter.com: ...
ll=27.717297,7.832677&t=t1&z=2&coord=utmThe lower right corner of the screen displays the UTM coordinates for the cursor and map center. To toggle the UTM grid, click Menu ==> UTM On/Off. I am not using a custom map projection. Instead, the UTM grid is simply comprised of a number...
Send your position as UTM coordinates via e-mail or SMS/iMessage. A map link to Google Maps is included with the message. The receiver can use the map link on a computer oron any type of phone(provided that it has an internet browser). ...
Works very well. Quick and simple. The copy button is much appreciated for transferring coordinates into Google Maps and My Maps. Sjd Jul 25 2016 1.0.1 5.0 On MacOS 10.11.6, the OS says the app is damaged and can't be opened. Only option is to throw it in the trash....
- Directly read the UTM coordinates of your position. Rotate the phone for larger numbers. - Send your position as UTM coordinates via e-mail or iMessage - A map link is included with the message - The receiver can use the map link on any smartphone or computer (Google Maps™ will op...
This function is based on UTM.m function by Gabriel Ruiz Martinez, but instead of providing a GUI it works with vectors of coordinates. [x,y,utmzone] = deg2utm(Lat,Lon) % Example 1: % Lat=[40.3154333; 46.283900; 37.577833; 28.645650; 38.855550; 25.061783]; ...
Does what I wanted: give UTM coordinates for paper maps. Also seems to work well in airplane mode, so good battery life might be possible in wilderness. It would be nice if coordinates could be copied to the clipboard. 开发人员回复, ...
While its primary functions deal with DEM/terrain display and analysis, MicroDEM has some handy cartographic functions as well for any position on a georeferenced map. It can calculate the amount of shift in position between different datums for ...
Decimal Deg. ⇒ Deg-Min-Sec Lat/Lon ⇒ UTM UTM ⇒ Lat/Lon RELATED TOOLS Digipoint MapTools E-Query Terrain Mapplets Lat/Lon to UTM (meters) Input Coordinates Datum ColumnsSeparated by Output Coordinate System Datum ProjectionSeparated by...