The Cyrenaics and the Origins of Hedonism Utilitarianism(Reddit Discussion forum) Utilitarianism: For and Against(J.J.C. Smart & Bernard Williams, pdf) The Limits of Utilitarianism(Harlan Miller, pdf) Modern Utilitarianism(pdf) Utilitarian Essays ...
acceptable ethical theory; that these conclusions have significant repercussions for education. Throughout the book the exposition of utilitarianism and the interpretation of the Republic are closely linked and the author defends Plato against the criticisms of Karl Popper, Bertrand Russell and R H S ...
for public officials in the pursuit of their professional responsibilities. Robert E. Goodin, a philosopher with many books on political theory, public policy and applied ethics to his credit, defends utilitarianism against its critics and shows how it can be applied most effectively over a wide ...
Against this, he proposes the utilitarian model of justice, which would imagine punishment only as a means of ensuring the common good rather than as the execution of revenge. Unlock explanations and citations for this and every literary device in Utilitarianism. Plus so much more...Get Lit...
general concern that he is throwing tradition to the wayside. Just as he preserves the role of moral instincts in his argument by putting them in their proper place, he saves history and “law and opinion” by showing that they serve an important function for the promotion of the common go...
If you forced women to have babies against their wishes, there is no guarantee that the father would be able to bring the baby up properly. Use Abortion – examples and issues to complete more. Try to use different aspects of the theory, such as Hedonism (Bentham valued pleasure), Act ...
I am also not allowed to take something away from a person, even if this good brings an advantage to another, for example a poorer person, which far outweighs the disadvantage of the person stolen from. No one has a right to share my home with me against my will, even if the ...
PDF 引用 收藏 暑期限定特惠:6月17日-8月11日,专业版用户畅享0豆无限使用AI辅读功能~摘要原文 The majority of studies investigating attitudes toward animals have underscored the role of demographic and personality factors. The study of the role of general moral worldviews on attitudes toward animals ...
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 . Utilitarianism / by John Stuart Mill Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library new2?id=Mil2Uti.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed &tag=public&part=all | Table of Contents for ...
Article: Losing ground: farmland preservation, economic utilitarianism, and the erosion of the agrarian ideal