From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Philosophyu‧til‧i‧tar‧i‧an/juːˌtɪləˈteəriən$-ˈter-/adjective1formalintendedto beusefulandpracticalrather thanattractiveorcomfortableugly utilitarian buildings2based on abeliefinutilitarianism→materialistic ...
utilitarian /jʊˌtɪləˈterijən/ adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of UTILITARIAN 1 : made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable utilitarian furniture/objects 2 philosophy : of or relating to utilitarianism a utilitarian argument/view ...
1 ENTRIES FOUND: utilitarian(adjective) utilitarian/jʊˌtɪləˈterijən/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of UTILITARIAN 1 :made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable utilitarianfurniture/objects 2 philosophy:of or relating to utilitarianism ...
The philosophy holding that moral actions must provide the greatest good to the greatest number of persons. Utilitarianism emphasizes the consequences of actions when evaluating their morality. For example, a utilitarian may regard a lie to aregulatoras moral if it saves 2,000jobs. Critics of uti...
Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal: An Ethical Dilemma Bill Clinton Choices Ethical Dilemma Throughout life, we are given many choices and it is up to us to decide based on our own moral... 2 Pages | 860 Words Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion: The Christian Beliefs ...
Justice is a major concept in political and social philosophy. It is such an important issue of modern world that no one would like to be called unjust, no society would like to be called unjust, no state also. Therefore it is important that there should be general agreement on the ...
Philosophy Connection 1 (to replace final) In John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, Mill defines what he calls the “greatest happiness principle,” which means “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.” He then...
Another problem with Bentham’s philosophy is that he would not distinguish between pleasure and pain, seemingly defining them as the same thing. In my opinion pleasure is generally a momentary thing whilst happiness is a more lasting and consistent thing. One might gain pleasure from sitting watc...
has been deeply influenced by these intuitionist philosophers, and does not think it necessary to document very fully the Kantian parentage of their views. As a result, the story that Kant and utilitarians have to be at odds is now regularly told to all beginner students of moral philosophy....
"advocate of utilitarianism; one guided by the doctrine of the greatest happiness for the greatest number," 1781, coined by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) fromutility+-arianon the model of +unitarian, etc.Utilityhad been used in philosophy by Hume for "capacity to satisfy the needs or desires ...