Does "utilizing" have a different meaning in American English? No, it means the same as "utilising" in British English. 9 Should I use "utilizing" in an international context? It depends on the audience; "utilizing" is widely understood, but "utilising" may be preferred in British English...
The study showed that students' native language influences English grammatical structure use. These results have significant implications for how the mother language affects EFL classrooms. The results also reflect the students' misunderstanding of the meaning of the present perfect si...
as a filler in the brick industry. Bricks with high compressive and tensile strength, reduced thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity were produced by replacing up to 50% of the natural clay
These will help you advance in the VIP Program of the interactive casino, but also don't wanna risk too much. The best part is that while you are making deposits to online casinos,bet365 internet casino auit is not right to deviate from the basic strategies when you have an appropriate ...
Currently, only exact sub-tree matches are detected; how- ever, since the syntax tree does not contain tokens which do not have any seman- tical meaning, the detection of duplicates is tolerant with respect to formatting and comments. The Unused Definition rules make intensively use of the ...
I've begun working on a new version of SynoAI from the ground up which has an administrative interface instead of a config based approach. I will also be taking the opportunity to implement a number of requested features that have been requested for a long time. ...
The administrator can set whether to use the Ace editor's light theme or dark theme by default (although individual filter instances can override this with the data-dark-theme-mode option). There is also an option to use the dark theme 'sometimes', meaning whenever the browser's 'prefers-...
heifers and steers in the different production systems.In the fixed herd-size situation, the economic values for production (except MY in pure beefsystems) and functional traits (except feed intake in all systems) were positive meaning a unitincrease in genetic merit of these traits had greater...
Cite this paper Shen, ST., Prior, S.D., Chen, KM., You, ML. (2007). Chinese Web Browser Design Utilising Cultural Icons. In: Aykin, N. (eds) Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces. UI-HCII 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4560. Springer, Be...
Google Drive no longer offers unlimited storage as part of their business tier, meaning that the value of this project has taken a nosedive. Due to this, I am no longer supporting this project and will be archiving the repository. Marauder This is designed to be a fully dockerized Media ...