@文心快码function utf8_encode() is deprecated 文心快码 1. 解释utf8_encode()函数为何被废弃 utf8_encode()函数在PHP中被废弃,主要是因为其功能和名称可能会引起误解。这个函数实际上是用于将ISO-8859-1编码的字符串转换为UTF-8编码,而不是通用意义上的“UTF-8编码”。在现代Web开发中,更推荐使用明确指定...
utf8_encode()函数用于将ISO-8859-1编码的字符串转换为UTF-8编码。在PHP 7.0及以上版本中,此函数已被弃用,并且在未来的版本中可能会被移除。 如果你的代码运行在PHP 7.0及以上版本,应该避免使用utf8_encode(),而改用mb_convert_encoding()函数。
Since1.5.0 Deprecatedn/a› utf8_uri_encode ( $utf8_string, $length = 0, $encode_ascii_characters = false ) Parameters: (3) (string) $utf8_string String to encode. Required: Yes (int) $length Max length of the string Required: No Default:— (bool) $encode_ascii_characters Whether...
#[\Deprecated] utf8_encode(string $string): string 该函数将 string 字符串从 ISO-8859-1 编码转换为 UTF-8。 注意: This function does not attempt to guess the current encoding of the provided string, it assumes it is encoded as ISO-8859-1 (also known as "Latin 1") and converts ...
Deprecated Deprecated Symbols Additional Reference Kernel Functions Functions IOFreeDataBeta IOMallocArraySize IOMallocDataBeta IOMallocPageableZero IOMallocZeroDataBeta IORWLockTryRead IORWLockTryWrite IOTimeStampConstantFiltered IOUSBHostCIControllerStateToString IOUSBHostCIDeviceSpeedToStrin...
代码示例来源:origin: ovea-deprecated/jetty-session-redis /** * Accessor for accessing value that has been quoted using JSON * quoting rules, and encoded using UTF-8 encoding. */ @Override publicfinalbyte[]asUnquotedUTF8() { byte[]result=_unquotedUTF8Ref; ...
Deprecatedn/a ›utf8_uri_encode ($utf8_string,$length = 0,$encode_ascii_characters = false) Parameters: (3) (string)$utf8_stringString to encode. Required:Yes (int)$lengthMax length of the string Required:No Default:— (bool)$encode_ascii_charactersWhether to encode ascii characters su...