环境: Sublime3 + ConvertToUTF8插件 您好!一个文档(含中英文)原来的编码是utf-8编码,对文档进行修改:增删中英文。 为什么文档自动转换成Western(Windows 1252)编码? 通过Set Encoding 为utf-8编码后 又自动转换成Western(Windows 1252)编码。 Owner seanliang commented Mar 1, 2018 麻烦提供一下控制台信息(按...
int CParserIni::ansi2utf8(const string& ansiStr, string& utf8Str) { int ret = kNoErr...
在C#中将ANSI(Windows 1252)转换为UTF8,可以使用System.Text.Encoding类中的方法来实现。 首先,需要将ANSI编码的字符串转换为字节数组。可以使用Encoding类的GetEncoding方法指定Windows 1252编码,然后调用GetString方法将字符串转换为字节数组。 代码语言:csharp 复制 string ansiString = "ANSI编码字符串"; byte[] an...
# 1. sys.argv传入,那么PATH的编码跟操作系统有关。如果传一个中文,windows下和linux下编码分别是ISO-8859-1和utf8,可以自己用chardet打印看看 # 2. 文件中写死,本来理解是跟这个文件本身编码有关,但文件编码同样是utf8的情况下,windows下打印了Windows-1252(ISO-8859-1的超集),linux下仍然是utf8。所以还是跟...
UTF8Encodedapplies only when executing theXMLAdapterToXMLmethod, which creates XML consistent with its setting. Remarks The default encoding for XML is UTF-8, whereas for Visual FoxPro, the default encoding is Windows-1252. When you want to output data to XML, you can preserve UTF-8 encoding...
Beause of the incorrect configuration, the driver treats the program's UTF-8 text as Windows-1252 chracter encoding. Each of the bytes of the UTF-8 text is converted from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 as the data is stored in the database and then converted back from UTF-8 to Windows-1252 ...
<?php$tab=array("UTF-8","ASCII","Windows-1252","ISO-8859-15","ISO-8859-1","ISO-8859-6","CP1256");$chain="";foreach($tabas$i) {foreach($tabas$j) {$chain.="$i$j".iconv($i,$j,"$my_string"); } }echo$chain;?> ...
importjava.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;publicclassEncodingConverter{publicstaticStringansiToUtf8(byte[]ansiBytes){try{// 将 ANSI 字节数组转换为 UTF-8 字符串returnnewString(ansiBytes,"windows-1252");// ANSI 使用 windows-1252 编码}catch(UnsupportedEncodingExceptione){e.printStackTrace();returnnull;...
Oracle8i和oracle9i官方文档资料中备有子集-超级对照表(subset-superset pairs),例如:WE8ISO8859P1是WE8MSWIN1252的子集。由于US7ASCII是最早的Oracle数据库编码格式,因此有许多字符集是US7ASCII的超集,例如WE8ISO8859P1、ZHS16CGB231280、ZHS16GBK都是US7ASCII的超集。
c# - Find email addresses linked to Windows Account. C# - Get file based on modified time C# - Get information from certain part of a JSON string. C# - How can I Execute a complex SQL file and getting the results? C# - How do I create a dynamic SQL string using Parameters? C# - ...