In this way, the debate about the veil is examined through an analysis of cross-cultural dressing which takes into account the different significations of seclusionary mechanisms for women constructed as Oriental and as Occidental. The study engages with recent theories about cross-dressing and ...
(like Morris) she uses Peirce for the instru- mental value of specific concepts for assisting, managing, and controlling communication and signification, without alerting readers to the vastly more profound and far-reaching significance of Peirce's semiotics, as a basis for a radical alternative to...
With the generalization of characteristics of freshmen in engineering and analyses on signification and ofclass mentors work. 文章总结了工科类大一新生的特点,分析班导师工作的含义与职责,在此基础上详细阐述工科类大一新生班导师的工作要领,总结了相关工作的经验。
图源附于图后 可爱慵懒的小马会被托雷纳吃掉哦 我要狠狠地跟可爱的卓芙芙马儿跳口牙 (「Quelle signification cela peut bien avo」“这意味着什么呢?/这是什么意思呢?”) 🤘🏼🐮👌 11-5 24 本周卓芙精选(10.16-10.22) 卓芙 图源附于图后 卓芙小姐我真的好喜欢你啊 想要躺在卓芙芙的怀里撒...
SIGNIFICATION (Logic)AUTHORITYTHEORY of knowledgeThe article presents the response of Rosalind Coward to the comments on her article "Class, "Culture" and the Social Formation." According to Coward, the comments fails to...
WALTZ WITH BASHIRanimationcomputermateriality of animationphenomenologysignificationspiritual-functionalThe article reviews the animated motion picture "Waltz With Bashir," directed by Ari Folman.doi:10.1177/1746847708099742A. LNew Yorker
VEGETABLESNOSOCOMIAL infectionsENTEROTOXINSwere not very excessive. In addition, these isolates had virulence potential, most of them were enterotoxigenic and multiple antimicrobial resistance, should be draw public attention. These data have signification implications for epide...
The stage seems a perfect vehicle for such a simultaneity of sign: "true" history overlaid with historiographic significance, overlaid with personal response, overlaid with metadramatic codings operating within the conventions of the stage, overlaid with the visual signification intrinsic to this ...
The clinical signification and application value of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA imaging in thyroid malignancyProstate-specific membrane antigenThyroid cancerTumor burdenPurpose: Approximately 5% of differentiated thyroid cancers lose the ability to uptake iodine, leading to limited treatment options and poor prognosis ...
I suggest a view of knowledge seen as self-organized signification systems based on metaphysical frameworks in social practice. The interpretation of sign in a systematized knowledge framework is actually where the medical sciences started in the classical Greek tradition of Hippocrates. This non...