这个字符串就是UTF-8编码对应的中文字符。 4. 输出或存储转换后的中文字符 转换完成后,我们可以将中文字符输出到控制台,或者存储到变量、文件等地方。 以下是完整的代码示例: java import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; public class Utf8ToChineseConverter { public static void main(String[] args) { /...
Online Utf-8 converter, easy to use utf-8 encoding and decoder tool. Convert plain text to utf-8 codes and vice versa.Sharing is caring: Facebook Twitter Reddit 分享 ASCII Unicode Utf-8 URLEncode Html Encode Base64 Encode Decode Swap Copy Result ...
CharacterEncodeConverter convert = new CharacterEncodeConverter(); byte[] fullByte = convert.gbk2utf8("中文"); String fullStr = new String(fullByte, "UTF-8"); System.out.println("string from GBK to UTF-8 byte: " + fullStr); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** ...
Characters in UTF-8 can take up one to four bytes, which makes it capable of holding a wide variety of characters while using less space. The Importance of UTF-8 For a number of reasons, UTF-8 has emerged as the standard character encoding on the internet. Multilingual Support: Characters...
What Is a UTF8 to Bytes Converter? With this tool you can easily convert UTF8 text to bytes. This is super useful if you need to debug the UTF8 encoding and see how UTF8 characters are represented in computer memory. The program splits the input text or string into bytes and then pr...
Output UTF8 Chain with... Save as... Copy to clipboardWhat Is a UTF32 to UTF8 Converter? With this tool you can easily convert data in UTF32 encoding to data in UTF8 encoding. It supports both UTF32-BE (big endian, which is default) and UTF32-LE (little endian). We're still...
World's Simplest UTF8 Tool World's simplest browser-based UTF8 to hexadecimal converter. Just import your UTF8 text in the editor on the left and you will instantly get base 16 numbers on the right. Free, quick, and very powerful. Import UTF8 – get base 16. Created by geeks from te...
World's Simplest UTF8 Tool World's simplest browser-based UTF8 to base64 converter. Just import your UTF8 text in the editor on the left and you will instantly get its base64 encoding on the right. Free, quick, and very powerful. Import UTF8 – get base64. Created by geeks from tea...
Unicode 解决了编码统一的问题,但没有解决编码存储和解析的问题。UTF-8 则解决了 Unicode 没有解决的问题。 UTF-8 是一种变长编码,会使用 1 到 4 个字节表示一个字符,类似于哈夫曼树,具体与 Unicode 的映射关系如下 : 详细介绍可以参考:chinese_encoding[1] ...
importjava.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;publicclassUtf8ToChineseConverter{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 步骤1:准备 UTF-8 编码的字符串// 这里使用一个 UTF-8 编码的字节数组表示的字符串Stringutf8EncodedStr="中文";// 这是 UTF-8 编码后的字符串try{// 步骤2:将 UTF-8 字符串解码为字节...