然而,mysql的utf8只存储最多3个字节per code point. 所以,utf8字符集不能存储所有的unicode code points. 只能从0x000 to 0xFFFF(叫做Basic Multilingual Plane:BMP) The character set named utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. As of MySQL 5.5.3, the u...
代码说明:bom为读取文件前3个字节的内容,codecs.BOM_UTF8代表的就是utf8 BOM的字节编码,前面已经提到了。if语句判断是否为UTF8 BOM格式,如果是,我们就从文件的第3个字节开始读文件,以便避开BOM,然后就是转换,最后成功输出。 代码中“注意”那行打印出字节编码,可见,字符已被转换成2 Bytes per character的GBK编...
utf8mb4: A UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character set using one to four bytes per character. 翻译(utf8mb4:Unicode字符集的UTF-8编码,每个字符使用1-4个字节) utf8mb3: A UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character set using one to three bytes per character. 翻译(utf8mb3:Unicode字符集的UTF... The utf8mb4 Character Set (4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode Encoding) The character set named utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. As of MySQL 5.5.3, the utf8mb4 character set uses a maximum of four bytes per character supports supplemental c...
The UTF-8 variable-bytes-per-character encoding which also can be auto-detected either by optional BOM or some specific byte combinations. In particular, for an English character subset, the UTF-8 encoded file looks exactly like old plain ASCII text. That’s why UTF-8 is so popular and th...
utf8mb3: A UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character set using one to three bytes per character. utf8: An alias forutfmb3. (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/ref... UTF-8是使用1~4个字节,一种变长的编码格式。(字符编码) mb4即 most bytes 4,使用4个字节来表示完整的UTF-8。而MySQL中的utf8是...
我是谁?我来自哪里?我在干嘛?难道是我代码里面的字符集用错了?不对啊我所有地方都用的utf8啊…… #MySQL的UTF8编码是什么? 首先来看官方文档: The character set named utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. The utf8mb4 character set uses a maximum of...
系统默认设置元数据表的字符集为utf8,是通过参数character_set_system设置。character_set_results这个参数默认是utf8,当查询表数据返回给客户端,这个参数是控制返回的结构数据的字符集。如果希望服务器将元数据结果传递回不同的字符集,请使用SET NAMES语句强制服务器执行字符集转换。客户端程序可以在接收到来自服务器的...
#MySQL的UTF8编码是什么? 首先来看官方文档: The character set named utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. The utf8mb4 character set uses a maximum of four bytes per character supports supplementary characters: ...
#MySQL的UTF8编码是什么? 首先来看官方文档: The character set named utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. The utf8mb4 character set uses a maximum of four bytes per character supports supplementary characters: ...