Eric de Bodt - Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) Jarrad Harford - China Institute of Economics and Finance Eric de Bodt - California Institute of Technology Jarrad Harford - University of Washington at Seattle Muhammad...
Eric de Bodt - Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) Jarrad Harford - China Institute of Economics and Finance Eric de Bodt - California Institute of Technology Jarrad Harford - University of Washington at Seattle Muhammad Farooq Ahmad - Universite Cote d Azur 6. Journal Name: The Review of Fin...
UTD期刊,全称为The University of Texas at Dallas 24 Journals,是由美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas)的纳文金达尔管理学院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)选出的最顶尖的24种商学学术期刊。这些期刊在国际商学领域具有极高的权威性和认可度,被广泛应用于...
4. 荷兰蒂尔堡大学经管学院(Tilburg School of Economics and Management); 5. 博科尼管理学院(SDA Bocconi School of Management)。 这24项期刊是UTD选出的商学院最顶尖的学术期刊,覆盖了商学院的主要专业,包括: The Accounting Review; Journal of Accounting and Economics; ...
其中,复旦大学管理学院(TheSchoolofManagement)位列全球第96名,亚洲第9名,中国内地第1名。清华大学经济管理学院(theSchoolofEconomicsandManagement)位列全球第99名。 此项排名是根据各院校在前5年期间,在24本主要商学顶尖学术期刊(leadingjournalsinmajorbusinessdisciplines)中发表的论文数量,以及作者贡献度(contributions...
4. 荷兰蒂尔堡大学经管学院(Tilburg School of Economics and Management); 5. 博科尼管理学院(SDA Bocconi School of Management)。 这24项期刊是UTD选出的商学院最顶尖的学术期刊,覆盖了商学院的主要专业,包括: The Accounting Review; Journal of Accounting and Economics; ...
41 Erasmus University (Rotterdam School of Management) 347 160.48 The Netherlands 42 National University of Singapore (NUS Business School) 374 158.86 Singapore 43 Tilburg University ((TiSEM) School of Economics and Management (incl. Econometrics and Operation Research depts.)) 389 158.77 The Netherla...
Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, said, ‘Since its founding 20 years ago, HKU Business School has been committed to becoming a leading academic institution in business and economics. This ranking performance...
UTD24期刊的全称为The University of Texas at Dallas 24期刊,是美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas)的纳文金达尔管理学院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)创建的一个期刊数据库,总共24本期刊,用以对全世界前100名商学院进行排名。官网地址如下所示: ...