*录取之后,官方成绩单原件, 包括毕业证学位证(信封密封,密封处盖章),需在到达UTD之后,交到Office ofRegistrar注册。也可以在到学校注册前把成绩单学位证寄到UTD,地址同上。 ? 申请截止日期: 5月1日 (Fall) 9月1日 (Spring) 3月1日 (Summer) *建议网上完成申请程序,并提交需要的所有文件。在提交申请后,你...
Well, thank you Rafael. Very important question. And I would like to break this down into two components: work that is already underway throughthe Office of Diversity and Community Engagement— led by vice president, George Fair — and newer initiatives. There is a broad spectrum of activities...