11-13. Academic programs UTD offers seven different academic programs with various specific and interdisciplinary concentrations, granting bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees: School of Arts and Humanities School of Arts and Technology School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Erik Jonsson School of ...
艺术(Art Humanities):介绍西方艺术史,通常在一年级或二年级学习。 音乐(Music Humanities):西方音乐鉴赏及音乐史,通常一年级或二年级学习。 外语(Foreign Language):学生起码掌握一门外语。一般学习4个学期,也可通过一定的测试证明达到同等的水平。 逻辑与修辞(Logic and Rhetoric):一般在一年级学习1个学期。课程通常...