The local time is in UTC+1 time zone, also the differences with the other time zones and its abbreviation names
UTC+3 on the interactive time zone map - discover all time zones in the world with an easy and intuitive interface! All existing time zones in the world!
4 1 New York3 0 2 4 1 Tokyo 17 1 6 4 1 Compare other Time Zones Countries in UTC-8 Zone Canada: British Columbia Mexico: Baja California United States: Washington Oregon California Nevada UTC-8 on the world map Time Zone Map
Countries in the UTC-6 Time Zone Note: Please note that some countries have multiple time zones.. The current data below is for countries with simple locations in this time zone. In other words, some countries have more than one location in this time zone. ...
Map<String, ZoneOffset> allZoneIdOffSetMap = allZoneIdOffSet2MapByBjTime(bjTime); System.out.println("北京时间"+ bjTime +",美国纽约的偏移量:"+ allZoneIdOffSetMap.get("America/New_York"));// 让当前北京时间深处纽约2021年夏令时时间区间内bjTime = LocalDateTime.of(2021,05,05,18,01,01); ...
Map<String, ZoneOffset> allZoneIdOffSetMap = allZoneIdOffSet2MapByBjTime(bjTime); System.out.println("北京时间" + bjTime + ",美国纽约的偏移量:" + allZoneIdOffSetMap.get("America/New_York")); // 让当前北京时间深处纽约2021年夏令时时间区间内 ...
final List<ZoneId> timeZoneByUtc = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds().stream().map(ZoneId::of)&...
Map<String, ZoneOffset> allZoneIdOffSetMap = allZoneIdOffSet2MapByBjTime(bjTime); System.out.println("北京时间"+ bjTime +",美国纽约的偏移量:"+ allZoneIdOffSetMap.get("America/New_York"));// 让当前北京时间深处纽约2021年夏令时时间区间内bjTime = LocalDateTime.of(2021,05,05,18,01,01); ...
publicstaticvoidmain(String[]argv){LocalDateTime;Map<String,ZoneOffset>allZoneIdOffSetMap=allZoneIdOffSet2MapByBjTime(bjTime);System.out.println("北京时间"+bjTime+",美国纽约的偏移量:"+allZoneIdOffSetMap.get("America/New_York"));// 让当前北京时间深处纽约2021年夏令时时间...
allZoneIdOffSetMap = allZoneIdOffSet2MapByBjTime(bjTime); System.out.println("北京时间" + bjTime + ".000,美国纽约(夏令时期间)的偏移量:" + allZoneIdOffSetMap.get("America/New_York")); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.