如果mysql的time_zone变量是SYSTEM,而system_time_zone是CST的值,system_time_zone的CST这个字符串会造成bug。mysql jdbc mysql的jdbc驱动的代码里会设置时区,这个时区是通过 TimeZone.getTimeZone(canonicalTimezone) 读取,其中 canonicalTimezone 是字符串, TimeZone.getTimeZone("CST") 返回-6时区,即美国的时区。
Dover*-4 hoursNairobi+3 hoursVatican City+1 hour Dubai+4 hoursNashville*-5 hoursVeracruz-6 hours Dublinsame timeNassau*-4 hoursVerkhoyansk+10 hours Dushanbe+5 hoursNaypyidaw+6:30 hoursVictoria+4 hours Easter Island*-5 hoursNew Delhi+5:30 hoursVienna+1 hour ...
Time zone utc+03 time zones are defined relative to Coordinated Universal Time UTC or Greenwich Mean Time GMT
Joda-Time – 可用的时区列表 在我们对 Joda 日期对象进行转换的时候,我们需要将 joda 设置时区,这样才能针对不同的时区输出正确的日期格式。 时区的设置是在: logger.debug("dateTime for EST is - [{}]", dateTime.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("America/New_York"))); 中的方法 DateTimeZone.forID 方...
Computers, servers, and online companies prefer UTC over GMT because the former is more precise. UTC is used in aviation as well for both air traffic control and for flight planning. Weather forests use UTC worldwide to avoid the confusion that arises from time zones and DST. Even the Inter...
(UTC+03:00) Africa/Nairobi (UTC+03:00) Antarctica/Syowa (UTC+03:00) Asia/Aden (UTC+03:00) Asia/Baghdad (UTC+03:00) Asia/Bahrain (UTC+03:00) Asia/Istanbul (UTC+03:00) Asia/Kuwait (UTC+03:00) Asia/Qatar (UTC+03:00) Asia/Riyadh (UTC+03:00) Etc/GMT-3 (UTC+03:00) ...
Dover*same timeNairobi+7 hoursVatican City+5 hours Dubai+8 hoursNashville*-1 hourVeracruz-2 hours Dublin+4 hoursNassau*same timeVerkhoyansk+14 hours Dushanbe+9 hoursNaypyidaw+10:30 hoursVictoria+8 hours Easter Island*-1 hourNew Delhi+9:30 hoursVienna+5 hours ...
Joda-Time – 可用的时区列表 在我们对 Joda 日期对象进行转换的时候,我们需要将 joda 设置时区,这样才能针对不同的时区输出正确的日期格式。 时区的设置是在: logger.debug("dateTime for EST is - [{}]", dateTime.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("America/New_York")));...
Dover * +2 hours Nairobi +9 hours Vatican City +7 hours Dubai +10 hours Nashville * +1 hour Veracruz same time Dublin +6 hours Nassau * +2 hours Verkhoyansk +16 hours Dushanbe +11 hours Naypyidaw +12:30 hours Victoria +10 hours Easter Island * +1 hour New Delhi +11:30 hours Vie...