Just look up! The difference you will make is on display every day. Explore manufacturing jobs Engineering Positions Be a part of a leading aerospace company that is helping to change the world. Make a difference now Campus Programs Join one of our campus programs and get a backstage pass to...
缓刑是指人民法院对于被判处拘役5年以下有期徒刑的犯罪分子,根据其犯罪情节和悔罪表现,认为暂缓执行所判刑罚确实不再危害社会,规定了一定的考验期,考验期内实行社区矫正。如果被判刑的犯罪分子在考验期内没有发生法律规定的,应当撤销缓刑的事由,那么原判刑罚就不再执行的一个制度。( )
Just look up! The difference you will make is on display every day. Explore manufacturing jobs Engineering Positions Be a part of a leading aerospace company that is helping to change the world. Make a difference now Campus Programs Join one of our campus programs and get a backstage pass to...