(For example, UTC -5 is Eastern Standard Time.) The letter "z" refers to the Greenwich time zone, which is zero hours (UTC + 0). Since the NATO phonetic alphabet ("Alpha" for A, "Bravo" for B, "Charlie" for C...) word for z is Zulu, we also call it "Zulu Time."...
Full-featured and convenient Zulu Time App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Get the current Zulu/GMT/UTC Time, UTC Date and offset anytime, in any time zone. S…
又由于Z在无线电联络中使用“Zulu”作代称,协调世界时也会被称为"Zulu time"。 UTC 由两部分构成: 原子时间(TAI, International Atomic Time): 结合了全球400个所有的原子钟而得到的时间,它决定了我们每个人的钟表中,时间流动的速度。 世界时间(UT, Universal Time): 也称天文时间,或太阳时,他的依据是地球的...
Military name:“Zulu” Military Time Longitude:0° (Prime Meridian) At sea:Longitudes between 7.5° West and 7.5° East Time Zone UTC No UTC/GMT offset No DST UTC is a fixed time zone that never observes Daylight Saving Time Difference ...
Introducing "Zulu Time Now" – Your Ultimate Time Companion! Stay in sync with the world and elevate your timekeeping experience with our innovative iOS app des…
在军事中,协调世界时会使用“Z”来表示。又由于Z在无线电联络中使用“Zulu”作代称,协调世界时也会被称为"Zulu time"。 UTC 由两部分构成: 原子时间(TAI, International Atomic Time): 结合了全球400个所有的原子钟而得到的时间,它决定了我们每个人的钟表中,时间流动的速度。
UTC representations, usage and related time zones W3C/ISO-8601: International standard covering representation and exchange of dates and time-related data Z - is the zone designator for the zero UTC/GMT offset, also known as 'Zulu' time +00 - basic short +0000 - basic +00:00 - extended...
Z - Zulu Time Zone Time Zone Abbreviation / Name PST - Pacific Standard Time HNP - Heure Normale du Pacifique UTC / GMT Offset -8:00 hours during Pacific Standard Time, currently in use. -8:00 hours during Heure Normale du Pacifique. ...
UTC was adjusted several times until 1972, whenleap secondswere introduced to keep UTC in line with the Earth's rotation, which is not entirely even, and less exact than atomic clocks. GMT is now a Time Zone Until 1972, Greenwich Mean Time (also known asZulu time) was the same as Univ...