Radio Andorre 7540 AM 2332 UTC 31 DEC 2023 « on: December 31, 2023, 2340 UTC » on 7540.0no ID at first, but have seen a schedule till 24 UTC2332 music, kind of funky, strong signal, no idea where is the TX, 23402355 talking in F below the music, Radio Andorre, seems ...
deletedate=(now+datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") 这个代码的每天凌晨的00:00执行,笔者通过EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)创建的策略,关于计划日期也是UTC格式的,这点笔者倒时注意到了,如下 Schedule expression: cron(0 16 ? * * *) 举例说明,如2023-03-02凌晨00:00时,执行时,deletedat...