-0600 - sign character (-) followed by a four digit time providing hours (06) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates six hour and zero minutes time differences to the west of the zero meridian. Military/NATO: Used by the U.S. military, Chinese military and others Sierra - Military...
UTC GMT EDT EST CDT CST MDT MST PDT PST 0000 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM 0100 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 0200 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 0300 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 0400 Midnight 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 0500 1 AM Midnight 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM ...
UTC,GMT,PST时间解释 整个地球分为⼆⼗四时区,每个时区都有⾃⼰的本地时间。在国际⽆线电通信场合,为了统⼀起见,使⽤⼀个统⼀的时间,称为通⽤协调时(UTC, Universal Time Coordinated)。UTC与格林尼治平均时(GMT, Greenwich Mean Time)⼀样,都与英国伦敦的本地时相同。在本⽂中,UTC与...
GMT Abbreviation:Several time zones share GMT abbreviation and it could refer to these time zones Greenwich Mean Time - UTC +0 GMT+03:00 - UTC +3 GMT - UTC +1 GMT+06:00 - UTC +6 GMT-02:00 - UTC -2 GMT+12:00 - UTC +12 ...
EST is 相等于 -0500 CDT is 相等于 -0500 CST is 相等于 -0600 MDT is 相等于 -0600 MST is 相等于 -0700 PDT is 相等于 -0700 PST is 相等于 -0800 用一个字符定义时区在RFC822中不大标准,在此定义如下: RFC2822中定义: 字母A至I 代表+0100到+0900 ...
EST is 相等于 -0500 CDT is 相等于 -0500 CST is 相等于 -0600 MDT is 相等于 -0600 MST is 相等于 -0700 PDT is 相等于 -0700 PST is 相等于 -0800 用一个字符定义时区在RFC822中不大标准,在此定义如下: RFC2822中定义: 字母A至I 代表+0100到+0900 字母k至M 代表+1000到+1200 字母N至Y 代...
CET to EST call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 2pm-6pm in CET which corresponds to 8am-12pm in EST 3:00 pm Central European Time (CET). Offset UTC +1:00 hour 1:00 am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). Offset UTC +11:00 hours 7:30 pm ...
CST to UTC call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-12pm in CST which corresponds to 2pm-6pm in UTC 5:30 am Central Standard Time (CST). Offset UTC -6:00 hours 6:30 am Eastern Standard Time (EST). Offset UTC -5:00 hours 6:30 am Eastern Standard...
9:00 am in EST is 6:00 am in PST and is 2:00 pm in GMT and is 2:00 pm in UTC and is 8:00 am in CST and is 7:30 pm in IST and is 1:00 am in AEDT and is 3:00 pm in CET EST to PST call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 11am-6pm ...