Bachelor of Agricultural Science(4年) Bachelor of Applied Science(Agriculture&Business)(3年) Bachelor of Science(Microbiology)(3年) Bachelor of Science(Food Safety)(3年) 授课型硕士 Master of Applied Science(2年),开设方向Agriculture、Microbiology 塔大农学...
这个专业的方向还挺多的,包括Artificial Intelligence、Business Analysis、Computer Science、Cyber Security、Data Science、Games and Creative Technology、Geospatial Information Systems和Software Development。无论你对哪个方向感兴趣,这里都有适合你的课程。 硕士篇:Master of Information Technology and Systems接下来,咱们...
Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) Honours (P4F1); Master of Logistics Management (Advanced) (27G) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Maritime and Logistics Management) (27C) Master of Engineering (Maritime Design) (27B1); Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation) (N7E) ...
第一年第一学期入学就读Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) (23R)或Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science) (23Q)的国际女学生,有资格获得第一年第一学期朗塞斯顿在校单间宿舍住宿费全免,并可额外获得2000澳币的教育经费。
Dean of Science and Engineering Merit Scholarship 整个学习阶段高达50%学费减免 每学期4个名额 适用于授课式学位课程(AMC seafaring courses除外)CoSE Bachelor and Honours courses (excluding AMC seafaring courses), CoSE postgraduate coursework courses
从2019年 T1开始,只要是在Deakin Warrnambool 校区读Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Education(Primary),Bachelor of Environmental Science ( Marine Biology) , Bachelor of Nursing 和 Bachelor of Nursing/Mildwifery的同学,都可以自动获得20%的奖学金,以及额外住宿费的补贴, 可以说是非常羡慕了。
UTAS新开设了Diploma of Science + Bachelor of ICT的Package通道,感兴趣的同学快抓紧申请哦!因为这个课程一年有三个学期,现在还在接受11月的入学申请。11月的Dip…