David Wiley, then at Utah State, let unenrolled students take one of his online courses, and gave them his own unofficial certificates to show employers: this as a public service. And Stephen Downes and George Siemens allowed more than 2,000 unofficial students to take their online course “...
Child Custody & Parental Neglect- is your ex abiding by the laws, staying out late, bringing your child around inappropriate people, or not paying child support? Alimony Termination- prove to the court that your ex is cohabitating with their partner ...
State: Utah Plaintiff: Philip Rutherford and Wendy Rutherford, on Behalf of Their Minor Child, Levi Rutherford Defendant: Talisker Canyons Finance Co., LLC and ASC UTAH, LLC (The Canyons Ski Area) and the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association Plaintiff Claims: the machine that produced the snow...