Natural History Museum of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, North America Top choice in Salt Lake City LoginSave Rio Tinto Center's stunning architecture forms a multistory indoor 'canyon' that showcases exhibits to great effect. Walk up through the layers as you explore bo...
Architect: Ennead Architects Architect of Record: GSBS Architects Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Project Year: 2011 Photographs: Jeff...
全犹他最瞩目的博物馆当属犹他州自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum of Utah)坐落于盐湖城瓦萨奇山脉脚下,以其独特的建筑风格和展品,成为人类文明与自然和谐共存的生动见证。博物馆的参观路线巧妙融合了当地的历史背景和自然环境,仿佛置身于一条自然小径里,又像是置身犹他州最狭窄的峡谷之中。在犹他州自然历史博物...
Setting a new standard for a Natural History Museum of the twenty-first century, the facility blends seamlessly unto the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the angles of the roof rising and falling with the slope of the foothills in the background. The design reflects the Museum's mission to...
“Let’s start at the top and work our way down,” I say. My mom and I are standing in the Canyon,Natural History Museum of Utah’sgrand open atrium, located on its second floor. We skip the Museum Café, Store, and Utah Futures exhibits — for now — and take the elevator up ...
犹他州自然历史博物馆成立于1963年,过去的四十多年来,犹他州自然历史博物馆都与自然奇观和本土文化为犹他州居民和游客参观重点,藏品中含有超过120万种类,并提供创新展览和教育活动,每年皆涌进数千名居民和游客。 犹他州 犹他州自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum of Utah) 介绍 ...
The Natural History Museum of Utah has many fun interactive exhibits and tons of dinosaurs since it is one of the richest areas for dinosaur fossil recovery.
The Natural History Museum of Utah is a museum located in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. The museum shows exhibits of natural history subjects, with an emphasis on Utah and the Intermountain West. The mission of the museum is to illuminate the natural world and the place of humans wi...
The Natural History Museum of Utah houses an incredible collection of natural wonders. With galleries dedicated to Utah’s botany, mineralogy, zoology, entomology, anthropology and more, all housed in the beautiful and artfully designed Rio Tinto Center, the museum is a must-visit on any trip ...
古生物化石墙(摄于: Utah Field House Natural History Museum) 寂静之声 Sound of Silence Trail 寂静之声小径是恐龙国家纪念公园中最具标志性的徒步小径,它以极度丰富与多样化的地质景观而著称,在短短五公里的路程之中经过了九个不同地质年代的岩石沉积,它们呈现出迥然不同的颜色与质地,最早的岩石层——块状砂岩...