Bureau of Land Management CampgroundsIntroduction The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains 26 campgrounds in the Moab area. With the exception of Ken’s Lake (see below), most individual campsites are available on a first-come/first-served basis and no reservations are accepted. Ken’s ...
Utah BLM chief seeking consensus on land useNancy Perkins Deseret Morning News
BLM to scale back leasing in Alaska petroleum reserve The US Bureau of Land Management announced Jan. 10 it will roll back key Trump administration changes in and oil and gas leasing plan for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska but retain parts of the plan that strengthened environmental ......
Notice of Mailing/Street Address Change for the BLM-Utah West Desert District and Salt Lake Field OfficesDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBureau of Land Management
The oldest recognized records of stem galliform birds in North America are the specimens of Gallinuloides wyomingensis (Gallinuloididae) from the early Eocene of Wyoming [5,14]. The extinct taxon Amitabha urbsinterditensis from the early middle Eocene (Bridgerian North American Land Mammal Age,...
present within 20 m of the firebreak according to Wilson’s (1988) models based on the Anderson (1982) Fire Behavior Fuel Model 1—Short grass (0.3 m) for three different slope steepness levels and 23 years of weather records associated with the fire season at Army Garrison Camp Williams, ...
What if I visit the park after October 31, 2024? A reservation is not required after October 31st. Is the reservation per person or per vehicle? The reservation is for a vehicle (15 passenger capacity or less) and all its occupants. A motorcycle is considered one vehicle. ...
BLM Nominee Shea Seen as Peace Offering to Utah: But Lack of Land-Issue Expertise Prompts DoubtsRead the full-text online article and more details about BLM Nominee Shea Seen as Peace Offering to Utah: But Lack of Land-Issue Expertise Prompts Doubts....