Para otros usos del término, véase: «Uta (desambiguación)». El Diario de Uta (ウタ日記, Uta Nikki?) es una serie de seis cortos centrados en la vida cotidiana de Uta. Se publica en el canal oficial de YouTube de One Piece y utiliza la tecnologí
While the Japanese vocals of the songs are left intact in the English dub ofOne Piece Film: Red, the English voice actress ofUta,Amanda Lee, has covered Uta's seven original songs in this album with English vocals on herYouTubechannel, with lyrics written byTony Tony Chopper's English voi...
近日,《ONE PIECE》官方YouTube账户和电影官方Twitter上发布的电影《ONE PIECE FILM RED》最新信息在特别节目中解禁。主题曲、剧中歌共制作了7首,主题曲《新时代》由中田雅斯塔卡制作,剧中歌《我是最强》、《逆光》、《Uta Katara Labai》、《Tot Musica》、《世界的继续》、《风的去向》分别由Mrs.GREEN APPLE...
Daryl Harding is a Senior Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. Film Red was the One Piece we found along the way. ...
海贼王剧场版:乌塔跳舞,扭臀那里太魔性了,看了好几遍。 英雄列车长 01:30 偶嗨哟☆ 02:54 重温红发歌姬大结局《风的去向 》 ゛泷 开口即燃!超级热血,这才是动漫主题曲该有的样子!《新時代》 真栗 02:09 【Tot Musica】—UTA的绝对视听盛宴 青糖呀 ...
YouTube 剧场版《海贼王:红发歌姬》插曲 Ado「私は最強」(ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED) 作词 :大森元貴作曲 :大森元貴 音频已替换为 Hi-Res无损版本 展开更多私は最強 (我是最强的) (ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED) 音乐 音乐综合 4K 剧场版 海贼王 ONE PIECE 红发歌姬 香克斯 UTA 路飞...
Netflix Max Launches Successfully in Southeast Asia But Netflix Still Dominates the Region Anna Kendrick Made Jaws Drop With Her Daring Look At the EE BAFTA Nominees Party Amid Simple Favor Drama Blink-182 Cofounder Mark Hoppus to Sell $5 M. Banksy Painting at Sotheby's in London ...
Eiichiro Oda May Just Be the One to Beat J.K. Rowling’s Impossible Looking Harry Potter Record, One Piece Has Now Sold Over 500 Million Copies 1/10/2025 by Moumita Chakraborty FandomWire YouTube Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time Anime Releases Creditless Opening, Ending Song Videos...
日本2022跨年特別節目《紅白歌合戰》在迎接2023年之際不僅有福山雅治、Misia、Perfume、柚子ゆず等音樂人共襄盛舉,傑尼斯人氣團體Snow Man、結成25週年的Kinki Kids、實力派歌手Aimyon、藤井風以及人氣女團乃木坂46、當紅樂團King Gnu也都沒有缺席2022《紅白歌合戰》!
One Piece Wiki 2 5 Despite Uta's initial confidence, the Marines received orders to fire on the concertgoers in order to seize her, whilemanaged to nullify her powers in the Uta World by encasing her in a soundproof. Growing more distressed and unstable, Uta unveiled her trump card and ...