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MANUAL RAMP 10mA/20mA/30mA/ 100mA/200mA/300mA/ 500mA/1000mA 300mS √ 动作电流精度 ±10% ±10% ±10% 动作时间精度 ±(1%+3) ±(1%+3) ±(0.6%+4) 动作时间分辨率 1mS 1mS 1mS 工作电压 230V(50Hz) ±10% ±10% ±10% 交流电压(V)(频率) 60V~400V(50~60Hz) ±(3%+5) ...
Cotton Dust Face Mask Packing Machine for BSG-250/350 Main advantage: Machine material : carbon steel / stainless steel The bag length is free of manual setting, the equipment may automatically detect and set the length. PLC servo control system, larger color HMI, stable...
Manual dishwashing compositions the dishes can be enabled by use of an applicator such as a sponge, cloth or brush to which detergent has previously been applied, or in an alternative and preferred process the product is sprayed on to the surface of the dishes... MC Addison,PR Foley,AM All...
据香港《明报》,国泰空中服务员工会24日向成员发出内部电子邮件,文中称对国泰空中服务员现时需面对众多不实指控及网上传言感到痛心;又提出根据“机舱服务指引”(Inflight Service Delivery Manual) ,如果空中服务员在未经同意下被乘客拍摄及录像(filiming or photographing),可向乘客提出删除有关内容,如遭拒绝可通知机长...
UT353 数字式噪音计 英文单页说明书 English Manual“UNI-T”唛 REV.0 (RoHS).pdf UT353 数字式噪音计 英文单页说明书.pdf UT361.UT362英文单页说明书.pdf UT363迷你风速计英文单页说明书 English Manual“UNI-T”唛 REV.0 (RoHS).pdf UT363迷你风速计英文单页说明书.pdf UT371_372 英文说明书(单页)....