Model UT202A is 2000-count stable, safe and reliable digital clamp multimeter(hereafter referred to as "the Meter"). It is designed with large-scale integrated circuits and A/D converter as the core as well as the overload protection and novel structure, which make it a superb tool for ...
UT202A 英文说明书(单页).pdf,When measurement has been completed, Functional Buttons and Auto Power Off disconnect the connection between the test 1. HOLD leads and the circuit under test, remove the Press HOLD to enter and hold mode. Press testing leads
UT202A+手持式自动量程真有效值钳形表,依安全标准EN61010-2010 CAT II600V/CAT III 300V等级设计,具有全功能档位防烧保护,可满足高...
仪表仪器软件我只认优利德UT202A数字钳形表使用说明书,功能强大不说,优利德UT202A数字钳形表使用说明书软件才0.5MB。 置顶51网友17-03-02 10:42:22 我觉得很不错呀,符合我的预期,那些不会用的人就别怪优利德UT202A数字钳形表使用说明书了 置顶51网友17-06-26 01:30:37 ...
优利德UT202A 优利德UT202A是优利德品牌旗下的一款钳表,生产于中国大陆。规格参数 包装清单 主机 ×1 说明书 ×1 保修卡 ×1 表笔 ×2 布包 ×1 电池 ×1