华尔街投行格外看重自己的Target school,UT Austin能被列入这个含金量极高的榜单,当然也是有两把刷子的。
至于想要做UX的同学,除了选择学院中UX方向的课程之外,还有同学会去选择fine arts school的课程,因此同...
按得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校研究生院(Graduate School)规定的最低入学要求,国际学生欲申请该校的研究生,需满足以下最低条件: 正规大学本科毕业,取得学士学位; GPA不低于3.0,大三大四的专业课成绩亦不低于3.0,如实在未达此要求,如有合理的原因可向学校解释; GRE成绩,商学院可用GMAT替代GRE、法学院需有LSAT成绩; TOEFL...
“The Department of Educational Psychology seeks a diverse student body that is academically well-prepared for graduate school, committed to the development of new knowledge, and interested in improving professional practice. The number of students accepted into our graduate program each year reflects th...
Students who are accepted to The University of Austin School of Architecture will be admitted to the 3-year M Arch degree program or the 2-year M Arch degree program with advanced standing. The Graduate Office evaluates each student's application and determines eligibility for advanced standing ba...
结果是CS项目全聚德,5月6日收到的UT-Austin iSchool下的MSIS(information studies)的录取,已经很开心了: D 申请时迷之喜欢UT Austin!是dream school所以也是我唯一申了非CS项目的学校。非常便宜,两年估计不到50w学费生活费,如果有机会做TA RA的话转成州内学费更省钱。大学朋友的室友是UT来的访问生说奥斯汀是...
Graduate School 研究生院 Jackson School of Geosciences 杰克逊地球科学学院 LBJ School of Public Affairs LBJ公共行政学院 McCombs School of Business 麦克库姆商学院 Moody College of Communication 莫迪传播学院 School of Architecture 建筑学院 School of Information 信息学院 School of Law 法学院 School of Nur...