At Western Governors University, all courses can be done through online classes completely (both undergraduate and graduate degrees). Special Learning Opportunities at WGU Learning Opportunities ROTC No Weekend/Evening College No Teacher Certification Yes Study Abroad No On-Campus Services Academic/career ...
出差go on errand;go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons;subpoena 答辩状answer;reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地...
Literally hundreds. I can even use scholarship money and federal student aid to attend study abroad prgrams at Chinese universities, all for the same price I will pay to attend UT as a Texas resident. I hear Harbin CET is the real deal, but I've heard that there are a ton of others...
Houghton St, London 假期课程介绍 LSE Summer School offers over 70 three-week courses taught by LSE’s world-renowned faculty. All courses take place on our campus in the heart of Central London. The LSE Summer School has the world's largest intake of international study abroad undergraduates ...
We are also planning to develop a distance- learning program and a joint education model, namely, the students finishing undergraduate study in Shenzhen are supposed to obtain a bachelor degree awarded by overseas universities. So far we have had 12 mutual visiting teachers, and over 40 graduates...
English majors can apply for five-year-study for B.A. with two majors (English and Law); and outstanding German majors can be recommended for graduate study of law without examination; and College English has become one of the first courses under teaching reform in the nation and the ...
After graduation, students can follow one of four pathways: continue into our secondary curriculum, attend a local secondary school, other international school, or even study abroad. 5初中Middle School编辑 初中在小学扎实的基础上开设独具特色、富有挑战的协和先锋融合课程,满足中考的要求与国际化教育的标准...
人文涵养视野拓展课程 Chinese Culture Study 寻常话·非常道 游学之旅 Chinese Culture Study 2天 世界与中国历史宏论 Worldwide & Chinese History 2天 文化求同存异和谐相处 The Skill of Working Abroad 3天 国学智慧与创新精神 Wisdom of Chinese Civilization & Innovation 1天 The Courses in English Languag...