商学院(McCombs School of Business) 强项专业:会计、金融、市场营销、管理信息系统(MIS)。 特色:会计专业常年位居美国第一,金融和管理信息系统等领域也在全球享有声誉。 计算机科学系(Department of Computer Science) 强项领域:人工智能、数据科...
CS这边主要有两个career fair,按照时间顺序,先是engineering expo,后是college of natural science。后...
分别是engineering expo以及college of natural science下的career fair,后者的规模更大,有很多的大厂都会...
Natural Sciences Honors Each of the three CNS Honors Programs has a distinct profile. Why are you a good fit for the Dean’s Scholars, Health Science Scholars, or Polymathic Scholars program? How will you contribute to that community? (length not provided) School of Human Ecology Honors Brief...
Content. School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The University of Texas at Dallas. Molecular and Cell Biology. Science and Math Education. The School conducts graduate and undergraduate degree programs. In the natural sciences, mathematics, and science education. Founders North FN 3.120. Colopho...
Science and Math Education. The School conducts graduate and undergraduate degree programs. In the natural sciences, mathematics, and science education. Founders North FN 3.120. Colopho... netid.utdallas.edu NetID HomePage - The University of Texas at Dallas If you experience issues logging ...
(McCombs School of Business)和工程学院(Cockrell School of Engineering)了,商学院的会计(Accounting)专业七年蝉联美国第一,工程学院的石油工程(Petroleum Engineering)也是赫赫有名;除此之外,自然科学学院(College of Natural Science)的计算机科学(Computer Science)和传播学院(Moody College of Communication)的电台-...
Position Description The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) is seeking outstanding candidates for a tenure system faculty position at the level of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in experi...
Position Description The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) is seeking outstanding candidates for a tenure system faculty position at the level of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in experi...