Both Jammu and Kashmir have semideciduous vegetation that includes subtropical pine forests.Singh, Suraj KumarKanga, Shrutiurin, BojanKranji, NikolaSajan, BhartenduSengar, Ankitae-Zbornik: Electronic Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Civil Engineering...
Wide Variability In Sex Chromosomes Of Some Ophidians From UT Of Jammu And KashmirSharma, JyotiKour, GurpreetKaith, RahulJournal of Advanced Zoology
Diversity of apoidea (Hymenoptera) from Grassland ecosystem of Jammu (UT of Jammu and Kashmir)Priyanka KumariAvtar K SidhuAkiNik Publications
A new species of the genus Macrocentrus Curtis, 1833 from Jammu and Kashmir (UT), India.doi:10.31018/JANS.VI.2258Zaheer AhmedAltaf Hussain MirMohd Kamil UsmaniApplied and Natural Science Foundation
The people of Jammu and Kashmir rely heavily on fish as a source of nutritional protein. Fishes also contribute significantly to the local economy of this area. However, several infectious disorders, some of which are brought on by helminth parasites, constitute a persistent threat to fish. The...
Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, IndiaBhavna LangerDepartment of Community Medicine and Government Medical College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, IndiaMehak Taban MirDepartment of Community Medicine and Government Medical College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India...
This chapter discusses the forest fire alert system of India with a special reference to fire vulnerability assessment of the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. Using actual forest fire incidences fromthe Jammu and Kashmir stateForest Department for the period,2002–2018 andcorrelating it with the MODIS ...
Agricultural Productivity Indices of Major Food Crops in Jammu Province, UT of Jammu and Kashmir, Indiadoi:10.32381/ATNAGI.2023.43.02.5AGRICULTURAL productivityAGRICULTURAL developmentAGRICULTURAL industriesRURAL developmentSHARING economyFOOD cropsAgriculture is the main source o...
The biology of the pest on Brassica oleracea var. acephala is documented. The pest was found to be active in the field from July to September and inflicted serious damage to some economically important cruciferous plants in Kashmir Valley. One ichneuomonid parasitoi...
IMPACT OF CEASEFIRE VIOLATION ON TOURISM AND LOCAL COMMUNITY IN JAMMU AND KASHMIR (UT)Singh, ParikshatSharma, PriyankaSarangal, Rajani KumariJournal of Hospitality Application & Research