McCombs商学院,即McCombs School of Business,成立于1922年,除在奥斯汀开设课程外,在休斯顿、达拉斯和墨西哥城也开设MBA相关课程。依仗德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的资源背景,McCombs商学院的实力不断提升,已位列美国顶尖商学院之列,其MBA项目在众榜单中排名如下: U.S News(2021)U.S:第18名 Forbes(2019)U.S:第18名...
UT-Austin有494,000名校友分布于全世界100多个国家,商界知名校友有Dell公司创始人Michael Dell(肄业)、埃克森美孚董事长兼CEO Rex Tillerson等。McCombs商学院有102,076名校友,遍布美国全部州和103个国家,其中23,721位是MBA毕业生,学院在12个国家/地区设有30个活跃的校友分会。McCombs商学院提供MBA...
The UT McCombs School of Business is a globally recognized MBA program, located in Austin, Texas, a center of technology and business for the region. When approaching these essay questions think about the reasons you are pursuing an MBA, particularly at McCombs. Thorough school research will he...
Ennead's New UT McCombs School of Business, Robert B. Rowling Hall Featured in MyStatesman 分享该内容 Ennead'sThe University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, Robert B. Rowling Hallfeatured in MyStatesman article. Read full articlehere....