The McCombs School of Business does not offer an online MBA. The UT system does have a program, but UT Austin is not affiliated with it.For information, visit:参考资料
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The response rate for the total population was 49.5%.; The major findings of this study included: (1) Over 75% of the respondents were satisfied with the program and would again seek their MBA degree at UT-Tyler. (2) The quality of the MBA program was considered from "good" to "...
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Home Tentang UT Online Mahasiswa DPD HAPI SUMUT Karang Taruna SMKS Nusantara Lagu Rohani Perlombaan MenyanyiLatest Post UT Pokjar Prawira Menjadi SALUT PRAWIRA Daftar Matakuliah Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka Yang Ujiannya Secara Online Peserta Lomba Yang Masuk 10 Besar 20 Peserta Lomba ...
Yueyuan:我们今年暂时还没有无担保贷款,我们商学院的Dean也尝试了各种各样的手段,但是限制于公立学校,UT对其他的program都没有担保贷款的先例,对商学院开这样无担保贷款的risk还在研究中;可能未来的一两年以后会有。 提问10:Austin MBA的优势有哪些?金融还是市场营销还是别的什么呢?
所以,UT Arlington就逊色很多,其EE排名是90左在,CS应该是100开外了。当然,在德州机会较多,学费生活...
4.UT 是所大学校,也就是说会有很大的影响力和很多资源,McCombs 的 MBA program 比较小,260多人一年,大家都能互相认识了解, community 会比较紧密。 5.奥斯汀是全球宜居城市,南方温暖(夏天热)的气候,很多户外活动可供选择。物价便宜,学费便宜,MBA 毕业生收入并不比其他热门城市低多少,性价比非常高。奥斯汀城市规...