首发|学律留学顾问中心(微信公众号ID:TopLawSchool) 西北LLM、UT-Austin JD继续放榜中! 今天又有6位学律申请者获得了西北大学Pritzker法学院今年入学的LLM项目录取通知,这也使得学律申请者在2021-2022申请季获得的西北LLM offer总数超过了30张。 JD方面,今天有一位申请者收到了来自德州大学奥斯丁分校法学院(Texas ...
education would be complete without an examination of the LS AT and its impact on the to studythe interpretation of LSAT scores for Negro students and the effects of general The goal was toidentify any cultural background factors which would adversely affect the customaryConsalus, Charles E...
@博智LSAT 总结的关于美国T14法学院的奖学金之最: 1, 杜克大学和加州大学伯克利分校奖学金覆盖率最高94%,但其中杜克大学低于半奖奖学金覆盖率也高,所以奖学金慷慨度不如UC伯克利。 2, 耶鲁、斯坦福、芝加哥大学、UC伯克利给出超全奖的人数最多,所以满G、LSAT接近满分的同学,可以试一试这三所,也许有机会免费读...
There is a much larger group of minority law school freshmen than upperclassmen. Yet the percentage of minority students as part of total lawHall, William G. JrU.tol.l.rev
Because the admissions standards of law schools form a continuum of acceptable LSAT scores and undergraduate grade averages, moving down a sliding scale, a student preferentially admitted to a highly selective school would be admissible under the normal standards of a less selective school. The only...
商学院(McCombs School of Business):包括会计、金融、管理、市场营销、信息管理等专业。该学院的会计专业在美国排名第一,金融专业排名第五。 法学院 法学院(School of Law):提供法学硕士、法律博士等课程,主要涉及商业法、知识产权法、环境法、公共利益法等领域。该学院在美国法学院排名中位列前15名。