UT-Austin是一个拥有五万个学生的公立大校,因此多样性是一个非常重要的主题,它所录取的学生也体现了这种多样性, 尽管大部分学生都来自德州,大家的背景都非常不一样,我遇到过录取了MIT却拒绝了MIT选择UT的华裔学姐,也遇到过以DACA身份...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin,经常通称为德州大学,UT,或Texas)成立于1883年,是德州大学系统中最主要的旗舰级大学,也是美国最好的公立学校之一。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校位于美国第二大州﹣德克萨斯州的首府奥斯汀,离德州州政府总部不足一里。现有学生人数50006(2009年秋季统计资料),为全美单一校园...
A:UT Austin的msf项目比较偏就业导向,会让你在一开始的时候就选择你喜欢的track。这个项目有三个track...
===>781 of one recent incoming cohort were either the valedictorian or salutatorian of their high school class. ===>Additionally, students who are in the top 6% of the high school class earn automatic admission into UT-Austin. Prior to 2017, students could be in the top 7%. ===>24% ...
UT Austin Essay Prompts Prompt 1: Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major? (250-300 words) Prompt 2: Think of all the activities — both in and outside of school — that you have been involved with during high school. Which one are you most proud...
High school: Doing online research, getting internship where we analyzed brainwaves and dissected a stingray 案例2:大纲+正文 WHY NEUROSCIENCE? Connect number of stars to number of connections in brain (and maybe mention cortical dysplasia)——抛砖引玉吸引眼球 ...
UT-Austin商学院 2 介绍一下你的专业? Q:你就读的专业的课程设置以及你对这种课程设置的看法、感受? A:UT Austin的msf项目比较偏就业导向,会让你在一开始的时候就选择你喜欢的track。这个项目有三个track可以选择,一个是corporate finance...
Native English speakers (as defined by UT Austin)。 Students who have completed a high school diploma or equivalent in a country where English isthe primary language of instruction. Students who have completed at least two years of full-time, post-secondary coursework in a country where English...
Dozens of students at the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University can focus on their engineering studies and expand upon their research thanks to the financial grants that Samsung Austin Semiconductor recently committed to these two school
Integrated MPA 的项目为期三年,是为McCombs School of Business 的本科生设置,通过Integrated MPA项目,学生将同时获得BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration degree)in accounting 和 MPA degree。ECON-MPA项目,则是为UT-Austin经济学本科生设置。完成该项目的学生,将获得经济学学士学位和MPA硕士学位。该项目竞争也...