可见McCombs有多倾向国内的同学,也希望大家能进一步了解我们,一同感受这个滋养着Austin——美国人趋之若鹜,全美最小资、发展最快,集科技、能源、金融与音乐、自然、创业为一体的城市的MBA Program 。 也许我们不是最早开始宣传自己的MBA Program, 这本身也缘于我们有才、热诚却低调的文化。得益于近年来中国大陆和台湾...
2012 届中国同学 fulltime 或 internship 信息 1 个 PWC Consulting @ SF (I+F);2 个 AMD@ Austin(1 个 I+F;1 个 I);1 个 Celanese @ Dallas(I+F) 2013 届,就是我这届,情况比较特殊,中国大陆同学 11 个,比 往年曾加很多,目前已拿到 internship offer 的 8 个: 1个 Dell@ Austin; 1 个 ...
Stacey Kammerdiener, Senior Texas Full-Time MBA Admissions Officer advises, “While it may be tempting, do us (and yourself) a favor and avoid the snooze-fest/shock-factor extremes. Instead, approach your essays genuinely and with reflection.” More advice can be found at thewww.topadmit.com...
UT就业总体是比较好的,今年到目前为止,整个MBA pool(265个人左右)已经有大概40%的同学已经拿到1个或多个internship的offer。我们是1月初开始面试,算到现在1个月,今年就业情况比去年好(去年也很好,几乎所有人都有internship)。 下面我把中国同学的就业信息介绍下: 2011届 中国同学fulltime工作信息 1个Dell @ Austin...
McCombs full time MBA program第一个学期分成两个quarter,每个quarter会有三门左右的Core-Class,包括Marketing、Finance等课程;学期中间有一些trip,比如到纽约、芝加哥、旧金山等地,取决于学生的兴趣和将来想发展的行业。 在Core-Class中,我们有一个很特别的项目叫做Plus-program,在寻找暑期实习之前,学生有机会和类似于...
6% full-time equivalent teachers 75 starting to think about college? try the my fit custom college ranking to build a list of schools personalized for you. get started get started test scores at uintah high school u.s. news calculates these values for schools based on student performance...
0% full-time equivalent teachers 14 starting to think about college? try the my fit custom college ranking to build a list of schools personalized for you. get started get started test scores at george washington high school u.s. news calculates these values for schools based ...
The maximum Fall (September – December) or Winter Term (January – April) course load for full-time students is between 2.5 and 3.5 FCEs. Your maximum course load is dependent on your year of study, program, and department. 摘抄自多大官网 ...
McCombs full time MBA program第一个学期分成两个quarter,每个quarter会有三门左右的Core-Class,包括Marketing、Finance等课程;学期中间有一些trip,比如到纽约、芝加哥、旧金山等地,取决于学生的兴趣和将来想发展的行业。 在Core-Class中,我们有一个很特别的项目叫做Plus-program,在寻找暑期实习之前,学生有机会和类似于...