来自东方的金主们为UT Dallas的飞速发展注入了源源不断的驱动力,在校园里漫步,时常会遭遇圈地运动:白...
谈话间回想起了我们在美国的生活,忆起了在UTDallas的点点滴滴。偶尔在网上百度起母校的新闻(其实我真得很喜欢用Google),听到老师、校友们不断取得的各种新突破,甚是喜悦。去年不就出了个博士校友喜获诺贝尔化学奖嘛,点个大大的赞,以母校为荣。 百度的同时,也看道了不少人在知乎上发帖,询问UTDallas这个学校怎么样...
得克萨斯大学西南医学中心(University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, UTSW)是美国顶级致力于临床医疗教育和生物医学研究的大学。2021年Nature Index在世界范围所有医疗机构(包括医疗中心和医院等)中位居全球第1 [1],其中癌症研究 [4-5]、心脏和心血管疾病 [14]、内分泌与变态反应学科 [15]等...
美国德克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)拥有“私立大学优越的教学条件,公立大学低廉的学费标准”,以国际管理学、经济学和政治经济学著称,每年吸引全球大量的学生来此就读。根据2012年“美国新闻与世界报道最佳商学院排名”(US NEWS Best Business Schools Ranking 2012),UT Dallas商学院排名位列全美第37名。
On Friday morning, October 18, 1912, the Ex-Students’ Association Executive Council assembled in the brand-new and majestic Adolphus Hotel (left), opened less than two weeks beforehand in downtown Dallas. President Mezes attended as well. The group officially endorsed the alumni magazine and ...
Dallas-based UT Southwestern Medical Center's Simmons Cancer Center, one of the elite centers in the country for patient care, research and education joins Caris' best-in-class collaborative research network focused on expanding the application of precis
Anderson at the University of Dallas shows that there is still a lot of energy in this debate. One of the key issues in the debate is the question of the common good. Liberals, for whatever reason, usually begin by mystifying the concept. What is the common good? What is peace? What...
GA 3/16 - Nashville, TN 3/18 - Dallas, TX 3/19 - Austin, TX 3/21 - Phoenix, AZ 3/22 - Los Angeles, CA 3/23 - San Francisco, CA 3/25 - Vancouver, BC 3/27 - Seattle, WA 3/28 - Portland, OR 3/29 - Boise, ID 3/30 - Salt Lake City, UT 4/1 - Denver, CO 4/3...