UT Austin算是美国公立大学里最好之一啦,是八所“公立常青藤”之一,是德州大学系统中的旗舰级大学。 德州大学系统还有UT Dallas和UT Arlington等学校,不过就像上海交大在交通大学系统中的地位一样,UT Austin也是德州大学系统的核心,代表大德州的顶级名...
“His speech from the beginning to the close was a grand and masterly one,” reported the Austin Statesman,“eschewing from his discourse the tinseled vaporings which generally characterize commencement efforts.” When the auditorium in the old Main Building was completed in 1890, commencement moved...
Posted on May 6, 2024 If graduation marks the completion of a degree, what is commencing? For the University of Texas, Spring Commencement is the most important event of the year, the signature public affirmation of the University’s academic enterprise. For the graduates, it’s the great ...
When the 2024-2025 academic year begins, the Dedman Distinguished Scholars Program will welcome seven new scholars to the program: Four incoming first-year scholars will form the newCompassion Cohortwith faculty mentor Dr. Monique Pikus: –Isabel Gameros from Dallas, TX (Liberal Arts Honors/History...