国际和国内顶级商学院公认英文期刊24种_utdallas-list-of-journals 热度: 国际管理类的UT24种期刊与FT45种期刊 热度: 天津大学期刊界定范围更新 热度: 附录1: UT/DALLAS界定的24种期刊 NumberJournalsABSSCISSCI 1AcademyofManagementJournalGradeFour*Y
UT24和FT45期刊目录 听群里朋友提到了经济管理类学术期刊的UT24和FT45,特地搜索积累于此。UT24 (http://jindal.utdallas.edu/the-utd-top-100-business-school-research-rankings/)TheAccountingReviewJournalofAccountingandEconomicsJournalofAccountingResearchJournalofFinanceJournalofFinancialEconomicsTheReviewofFinancial...
Academy of Management Review 1990 Administrative Science Quarterly 1990 Organization Science 1990 Journal of International Business Studies 1990 Strategic Management Journal 1990 页码,1/1(W) w 2012/3/23 http://jindal.utdallas.edu/the-utd-top-100-business-school-research-rankings/list-of-jour...相关...
近日,管理学院张江华教授与北京大学Gongbo Zhang博士、Yijie Peng教授、美国佐治亚理工学院Enlu Zhou教授合作的研究成果“Asymptotically Optimal Sampling Policy for Selecting Top-m Alternatives”,在UT-Dallas 24期刊INFORMS Journal on Comput...
《INFORMS Journal on Computing》(简称IJOC)为美国运筹学和管理学研究协会(INFORMS)季刊,每年约发表论文50篇。该刊是UT-Dallas 24期刊(国际商学院研究能力评估参考的24本顶级期刊)之一。UT-Dallas 24 是由美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校界定的24本权威、顶级期刊目录,用于国际商学院研究能力评估,是商学院排名的重要参考依...
近日,由中国科学院大学经济与管理学院博士研究生刘天奇(第一作者)、硕士研究生毛宇晨、葡萄牙里斯本大学的Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama教授以及中国科学院大学经济与管理学院王曙明教授合作的研究成果“Robust Stochastic Facility Location: Sensitivity An...
近日,我院吴鹏博士作为通讯作者与大连海事大学李延通副教授、加拿大拉瓦尔大学Jean-François Côté副教授、Leandro C. Coelho教授合作,在国际管理学领域最顶尖的UT-Dallas 24期刊《Informs Journal on Computing》上发表题为“Novel Formulations and Logic-Based Benders Decomposition for the Integrated Parallel Machin...
On January 30, 1913, the Executive Council met in the Southland Hotel in Dallas. The group officially approved the name Alcalde, set the subscription price at $1 per year (in addition to the $1 Association dues), and created the Alcalde Founders, a designation for alumni who donated $5 ...
On January 30, 1913, the Executive Council met in the Southland Hotel in Dallas. The group officially approved the name Alcalde, set the subscription price at $1 per year (in addition to the $1 Association dues), and created the Alcalde Founders, a designation for alumni who donated $5 ...
Anderson at the University of Dallas shows that there is still a lot of energy in this debate. One of the key issues in the debate is the question of the common good. Liberals, for whatever reason, usually begin by mystifying the concept. What is the common good? What is peace? What...