ut的cs系比较小,但grad student受到的待遇真的很不错。首先,所有的master都可以在系里有自己的desk。
ut的cs系比较小,但grad student受到的待遇真的很不错。首先,所有的master都可以在系里有自己的desk。
这届austin mscs国人收的还是挺多的,上交去了8个人,总体中国学生大概有20多个。然后上届只有个位数中国学生在austin读mscs,他们都找到很不错的实习,google, microsoft都有,但是因为人数过少,所以参考价值不大?至于再往上,就不太了解了。 先简单介绍下软背景?我申请时有两篇paper,一篇一作,一篇三作,不过都是比较...
The UT Austin Information Security Office builds a variety of tools and services that are designed for Higher Education and State Government. - utiso
Learn how Calendly created an 89% increase in efficiency and cost savings of 87.5% for the University of Texas at Austin.
AUSTIN— It was another day of protests on the University of Texas-Austin campus. Wednesday, there were many people supporting Palestine. Thursday we also saw crowds supporting Israel as they faced off on campus. But compared to Wednesday, things were calm. Police were in place, and watching ...
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) is part of the Office of the Vice President for Research at The University of Texas at Austin. Since its founding in 2001, TACC has been committed to facilitating open science research across a robust ecosystem of advanced computing resources, powering ...
Facebook, Intel, KPAL, Microsoft, and LegalZoom all have offices in the city, and Dell has operations nearby. And that tech sector benefits greatly from the University of Texas-Austin’s software engineering program, which provides the companies a steady supply of capable new graduates every yea...
Q3. Yes, it is rolling, so no deadline but for international student, you have to apply before Feb. 1 for ViSA purpose. Q:不知道UT-Austin今年毕业的MBA就业情况如何? A:3个回国了,3个在美国找到工作,回国的3个2个在consulting,1个在industry作CFO,留在美国的1个在IT consulting,另外的不清楚。
ut的cs系比较小,但grad student受到的待遇真的很不错。首先,所有的master都可以在系里有自己的desk。其次,系里的秘书回复邮件的速度真的很值得夸,每次我发完邮件都是当天收到回信,而且回信内容一点也不敷衍,很有针对性,解答也很具体。我有时候有急事找她会直接去office,每次她都会先放下手头的事立马来帮我。