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德州大学奥斯汀分校(UT-Austin)课程 一般会收到系里和学校的两份录取通知,其中一份会要求学生确认是否接受offer,按时入学。请按照要求在规定时间内(一般是4月15日,注意其中是否涉及节假日和中美的时差)回复给指定的联系人,邮件/传真/邮寄回执,一定要确认收件人收到了你的决定。建议联系下系秘,咨询一下有什么事情...
UT AUSTIN的这种考量,加上它完美的地理位置,就业机会,妥妥吸引了我的眼球,拿到了 offer的同学们,千万别小看了这所学校,再审视下吧。
还有一点知不知道,这份OFFER很难的,如果不是德州读书的中国孩子,按照国际生录取的国际生大概只有5%左右。UT AUSTIN对于本洲生来说只要达到一定的排名就可以录取,但是对于国际生好像有不完全看GPA,标化,文书说话?总之玄学,毕竟只有这么少的国际生是非常少见的!
The University of Texas at Austin has blocked access to the video-sharing app TikTok on its Wi-Fi and wired networks in response to Gov. Greg Abbott's recent directive requiring all state agencies to remove the app from government-issued devices, according to an email sent to students ...
jcasey@austin.utexas.edu Michael Johnson Senior Administrative Associate, Liberal Arts Honors Program The University of Texas at Austin 305 East 23rd Street, CLA 2.104 Austin, TX 78712 (512) 232-2971 johnson.michael@austin.utexas.edu HOME ▲...
Camp at UT Austin. Our instructor is wicked smart and breaks complicated concepts down in a way that allows us to internalize them easier. The rest of the instructional staff is top notch as well; and last but certainly not least, our Student Success Manager, who is always there for ...
Student and Austin spectators crowded the route. To prepare the campus, “the Senior Engineers have strung thousands of electric globes along the main walks,” reported the Austin Statesman. Additional strings of alternating orange and white lights were hung under the eaves of the new Library (...
Interested in the University of Texas at Austin? Click here for StudyPoint's guide to admissions at UT–Austin!