Turing Scholars at UT Austin “Our top-ranked faculty push students to think outside the box and learn the varied business and computer science disciplines,” according to the website. “The curriculum is comprised of 44 classes, taken with 30-40 students, exposing students to all facets of ...
更重要的一点是UT学生可以凭学生卡免费坐Austin的所有公交。晚上11点后坐Lyft taxi,从学校开往指定居民...
理论上当然是可以的,而且官网还会有专门的Internal Transfer通道,但是能真正内部转成功的还在少数,官网也...
可以转 但是难度大 对课程有要求,需要高分。达到要求之后,还需要文书和申请。但是有机会,数学,统计,...
实际上UT Austin最建议往CS转的三个专业就是数学,物理和天文学。Complete one of the following ...
实际上UT Austin最建议往CS转的三个专业就是数学,物理和天文学。Complete one of the following ...
有钱读个mscs 没钱卷个phd。uta计算机非常优秀,找个老师做做research不要太容易。