He spoke to students at school assemblies and parents at PTA meetings. He installed 17 Civil Defense sirens across the city, including one on the top of the UT Tower, and ordered monthly siren tests. In April, 1961, Kengla convinced the organizers of Austin’s annual Flower Show to ...
该法案于当地时间1月1日生效。 于是前不久,UT Austin宣布,由于无力再为各种文化毕业典礼提供资金,黑人学生、拉丁裔学生和亚裔学生的毕业典礼活动将被取消。同时,学校将不再DEI办公室。与之同时消失的还有亚洲文化节(CultivAsian)、黑人新生周末(New Black Student Weekend)等多元化项目。不少小伙伴在初到国外时,正是...
Austin, TexasBevoSports in the United StatesTexas LonghornsTexas Longhorns football teamUniversity of Texas at Austin University of Texas officials are watching the weather this weekend. Saturday the Longhorns host The University of Southern California in what's the biggest home game this season. ...
Austin Ward
He spoke to students at school assemblies and parents at PTA meetings. He installed 17 Civil Defense sirens across the city, including one on the top of the UT Tower, and ordered monthly siren tests. In April, 1961, Kengla convinced the organizers of Austin’s annual Flower Show to ...